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Thursday, July 5, 2018

By Barbara Harris

Divorce is one thing that can be very stressful for the parties that are involved. There is emotional troll that it comes with and the physical and psychological impact on family. All that can be very devastating. Dealing with financial issues and asset division tend to be overwhelming too. Finances will need to be well set up. When it comes to divorce financial planning VA residents will need to consider what is involved.

It is important to talk early to the financial planner. For those without a planner, it will be important to find one that they are comfortable working with. In many cases, you will find that one of the couples took care of finances and the other one is not very familiar with shared accounts. During this time, one will need to engage the services of qualified attorneys that help with all legal issues that might arise. There are also those that involve therapists and counselors.

It is not recommended to make a decision on division of assets fast. Divorce can be very contentious and people can make decisions in such a hurry that they make major mistakes. One person might take the home and the other takes cash. It is important that emotions are not included when dealing with such issues because it leads to one taking knee jerk reactions. It would be best to consider co-ownership until the house gets sold.

The people that are involved are supposed to be careful when it comes to well-meaning pieces of advice. In many cases, divorce laws are varied from one state to another. Couples should not trust solutions that seem to be too perfect which can be given by friends or from online sources. If you are not sure whether you can move money or change the existing accounts, an attorney should be consulted.

It is very important that expenses are tracked both at that time and future ones. As soon as one comes to realization that the divorce is inevitable, they will need to start to track income and expenses. It is something that will help to come up with a budget and also helps a judge to decide on asset division. It will also help in determining award of spousal support.

Gathering documentation helps a great deal when it comes to divorce financial planning. Financial records are what will tell a story of the financial status of a marriage. The process of gathering different documents could be time consuming and thus one should start early. In case there are any shared bank accounts, financial institutions are under obligation to share the details.

It is important to be very conservative when it comes to savings and spending. The separation of joint accounts is never that easy and the process depends on state laws. There are states that treat all income, assets and debts as one. It is better to continue to use the accounts as usual until all issues are sorted.

Even when relationship between couples seems cordial, it will be good to be ready for some resistance. Confrontations might arise. Having all the required documents helps to reduce chances of disagreements.

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