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Friday, June 22, 2018

By Donna Cook

Throughout the United States, criminal defendants have the opportunity to obtain temporary release from jail while they await their trials. Not only does this give these individuals the benefit of a more pleasant environment throughout this time, but it also allows them to continue caring for their loved ones, going to work, and taking care of other personal and professional responsibilities. In order to obtain release, however, many people have to use the bail bonds Allegan companies are offering.

If this is a position that you ever happen to find yourself in, you need to know what bail bond services are and how these solutions work. For one thing, companies like these allow defendants to pay bail amounts that are usually incredibly high. A lot of judges want to ensure that these guarantees are sufficiently high for acting as an effective incentive for going to court.

When crimes are more serious, bail amounts can get quite high. There are other factors that can impact this charge, including how long you have lived at your current home. If you are believed to be a transient by the court, then the judge will think that you do not have enough ties to the region to remain in the area for a sufficient amount of time.

Some people have never committed any crimes before. They have stable jobs, they have permanent addresses, and they appear to have a very limited likelihood of being a threat to the general public. In these instances, a defendant might be released on his or her own recognizance, but this is very rare. More often than not, a monetary guarantee is required, whether it is paid by the individual, his or her family members or a bondsman.

Bondsman are basically in the business of loaning the people the funds that they need to cover these guarantees. When they do this, they are assuming a large amount of risk and may lose their money in the process. Only a defendant has gone to court for all scheduled appearance will the bond monies be released. If you are going to use a bondsman, you will be required to sign and adhere to a contract agreeing that you will always be in court when you are ordered to be.

To limit the risks of making this type of guarantee, a bondsman will require defendants to post collateral that is comparable in overall value. As an example, you might use your car or your house for collateral. You can even use electronics if these have a reasonable amount of worth. If you do not adhere to the terms of your bond agreement, however, the bondsman will sell these things to recoup the resulting losses.

Using these services is a great way to minimize the impact that legal charges have on your life. By regaining your freedom while you await your hearing, you can maintain your job, continue caring for your family, and start looking for legal help. You will also have the best opportunity to start building your defense by actively looking for character witnesses and other things to support your claims of innocence.

One major advantage gained by these services is the financial assistance. You will only be leveraging your collateral in a temporary fashion and do not actually have to lose any of your real property in the process. Without bondsman, however, people would often be forced to actually sell their high-value items in order to pay these monetary guarantees.

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