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Sunday, June 24, 2018

By Adele Robinson

The retail market place constantly evolves, and in order to keep up with changing market dynamics, it is imperative for retail merchants, to evolve in the way they approach the marketplace. Constant evolution would mean retailers seeking more ways to appear appealing to an ever changing market and consumer behavior.

The truth is you are not alone in this as there are several other retailers who face the same questions day after day. It is in response to this that we have the co-branded credit card program.

The next question then is what is a co-branded credit card? It is a special form of a credit card jointly issued by a card issuing company and a retailer. It is a means of incentivizing consumer behavior in the face of changing market dynamics.

Over the years co-branded credit cards have been on the increase and in 2014, it amounted to 31% of the total credit card purchases made in America alone.

There are numerous card issuing companies out there in the market, but of relevance to this article is the Mastercard co-branded credit card. Mastercard is a leading card issuing company with millions of outlets worldwide and there are ample benefits of partnering with MasterCard to co-brand your business. The benefits are endless and some of them include

Amongst the most notable benefits are Advertisements are easier and more personal since all Mastercard co-branded credit cards would also come with the logo of the particular retailer. Thus he has the opportunity to advertise himself to the customer anytime the co-branded credit card is used, hereby informing the customer of the retailer's services.

More Personal Conversation with Customers. By partnering with MasterCard on the MasterCard co-branding card program, you have the opportunity to inform your most loyal customers of your promotions and advertisements and there is an opportunity to introduce some of the new products being offered.

Better Marketing Information. By co-branding with Mastercard, a retailer would have the opportunity to observe consumer behavior as it relates to where they shop, and what they buy.

This would enable a retailer review his marketing plan, and have a more effective marketing strategy.

Greater Insight Into Consumer Behavior. With the Mastercard co-branded credit card, a retailer is able to have information into consumer spending behavior and patterns. Thus a retailer would be able to monitor consumer spending behavior and patterns. This would enable the retailer do more effective marketing and increase his revenue.

Better Loyalty Options. The Mastercard co-branded credit cards would increase the purchasing power of faithful customers. This is ensured by the offering of discounts, rebates and other programs for buyers.

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