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Friday, June 29, 2018

By William Myers

Non-emergency medical transportation for disabled people refers to the transportation services offered to disabled patients for their doctor s appointment, dialysis treatment, nursing home visits and for outpatient care. This sort of transportation service by health charity organization is especially important for disabled people as they too need to be able to get around when they need to.

Travelling is one thing that goes hand in hand with comfort. It is all well and good to help the differentially able people get around but we need to ensure that they are travelling comfortably and all their necessities are taken care of. We want them to have a smooth journey getting to where they meant to be.

The beginning stage of selecting an appropriate service involves making sure the service is reliable. This is often found out through word of mouth. People who have previously used this service will most certainly have a viewpoint on the service. Reliability is essential especially when it comes to transport needed for medical reasons. The medical situation does not need to be an emergency one but the patients are still expected to make their doctor s appointments on time.

Some transport services for differentially able people make provision for the help that these people may need. Therefore there will be no added charge for an attendant that may be accompanying the differentially able person. This works out ideal and saves quite a lot of cost wise. This all should be a deciding factor for transportation service selection.

Another consideration is the overall reputation of the service providers. If the transport service providers are known to be respectful, kind and carry themselves well, it would be most appealing to settle for such a service. On the other hand, if the chauffer s appear rude and cold it would not be advisable to opt for such a service.

People with disabilities face a whole different ball game than people who are physically able so it is important to keep their best interests in mind at all time. When adopting a specific transport service we need to ensure that the transport service has met all the rules of compliance. The transportation service provider must be well acquainted with the laws and regulations regarding disabled people. Having a transport service that has proper insurance in case of emergencies is also vital.

The cost incurred in the transporting is also a vital consideration for patients. Many times it is safe to assume that medical aid covers the rides to and from doctors appointments among other things for eligible passengers. However, since the transportation is not for an emergency the service paid for by medical aid is often called non-emergency medical transportation.

The transportation service has lots to consider too. Basically catering for differentially able people comes with its own prerequisites and requirements. Thus the transportation service itself must make sure the differentially able person s requirements are taken into consideration. Differentially able people have the right to claim if the service slips up and messes up. A catastrophe resulting from a small mistake made on part of the service provider becomes a reason to claim. Privacy liability also needs to be thought about by transport companies as their drivers need to be sensitive to the clients but in a way that shows that they still respect their space and privacy.

Non-emergency medical transportation services are essential for people with diverse abilities as it is their only means of getting around.

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