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Thursday, June 7, 2018

By Jason McDonald

When a worker is viewed as a "nine to five" person, many images spring to mind. Cubicles and brown bag lunches are just a few examples, but a common trait that these jobs tend to share is a focus on saving money. For those that may be struggling with staying in their budgets, this isn't nearly as difficult as you may think. In fact, here are some of the best money-saving pointers, by Robert Jain, that may leave you with a little extra spending money.

One of the ways that nine to five employees can save money is by riding together. If you live close to your fellow employees, you may be able to take the same car, provided your schedules are roughly the same. By doing so, you will be able to split costs on fuel, which tends to be the biggest expense that employees must cover from week to week. This is just one of the many tips that names such as Bob Jain can provide.

One of the other big expenses for nine to five employees is coffee, which many of them can't properly begin the day without. Depending on where you go, though, this can cost a premium, which is why it may be in your best interest to brew coffee at home. Not only do you get to choose a flavor you're comfortable with, but you don't have to cover the aforementioned premium. Give yourself more time each morning to make coffee that can be brought with you.

On your own time, create a list of needs versus wants so that you can determine what takes precedence. For instance, if you work in an office that requires you to be online 24/7, a new laptop computer may be classified as a need. On the flipside, if you plan on taking time off in the next month or so, a lavish vacation may be seen as a want. By understanding where these fit in your list, it'll be easier to save money, especially in the long term.

For those that have been struggling with saving money and reducing costs, hopefully these methods will help you. The fact that they are so simple makes them doable, too. It's entirely possible to go with different transportation methods and say "no" to that morning cup of coffee. These are just a few ways that money can be saved, so look into what you've been spending the most money on from week to week. There may be other expenses that you can reduce or even cut out entirely.

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