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Saturday, July 16, 2016

By Paul Kennedy

Trailer parks are mobile homes. They can either be permanent or semi-permanent. The houses are cheap to rent and they are appropriate for people who keep on moving or migrating from one area to another. At times, they are viewed as houses of low income earners, which are not the case. The occupants of these kinds of house are seen as people who live below poverty line. In addition to that, it is said that people who live within Trailer parks Williston ND live deleterious life.

The structures have been of great benefit to people who are in need of homes. This could be as a result a calamity that may end up sweeping their homes. Mobile home provides better places where they can live as they prepare for future. Many people think that these types of houses are found only in rural areas, but the truth is that they are found in almost every part of country including the city Williston ND.

Sometimes back, when financial crises affected America, some of residents were unable to pay rents and debts. This left people homeless and the only option that remained was to commence living in manufactured homes. Despite the fact that these houses were in great demand that time, their process never changed much. They chose to live in mobile homes because they were cheap and paying rent was not a problem.

Some of rich people in America own companies that manufacture these homes. Although, these houses have a bad image in United States, where many minds see them as sign of poverty, this has not been proven. In fact, a great economist in Duke University by the name Charles Becker was heard say that not every person who lives in manufactured houses is poor.

6.4 percent of all houses in United States are the manufactured ones. This is as per the information that was collected during census that was conducted in 2011. In addition to that a good number of people living in these houses are employed. In fact, they form around fifty seven percent. This shows that more than half of home owners living in these houses have a source of income. This proves that what people usually think that only poor people live in these kinds of houses, is wrong. A small percentage of about 23 percent of occupants are retired.

Indeed, what is normally said is partly not true. Wrong information has been said regarding their condition. The condition of houses in interior is very attracting. There is enough space and no congested as many people think. Most of them have more than two bedrooms. There is a bathroom and a kitchen too. This means that manufactured houses provide what is required for a house to be called a home.

Some of negative information heard is mainly spread by the media. The houses are seen as where criminal activities are done. They are seen as houses where thieves and other ill intention people engage in criminal deeds. Some of novel writers also say the same, but this is not always the case.

It has also been realized that these kinds of houses are of great benefit to environment. The truth is that other modern ones, lead to a lot of pollution especially during construction. This is owing to that fact that so many materials are used during construction. However, for the mobile ones, simple materials are used thus causing less pollution.

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