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Saturday, July 16, 2016

By Susan Cox

There are many things that can contribute to a dirty building facade. There is the dust and dirt, as well as the oily splashes from the street when cars drive by. There is also the rain and wind which brings all sorts of debris from many parts of the city and gets stuck on your building, glass and sidewalks and makes your commercial building look very bad. That is why it is important to contact a company that offers the Pressure Washing Dawsonville GA businesses use for this clean up.

The number of companies who offer this service, in Dawsonville, GA may surprise you. Many of the custodial cleaning companies will have a department that handles this special, thorough cleaning. Other firms are set up to do this as a specialty. This is an environmentally friendly cleaning process and most companies want to share this with everyone.

One of the reasons that this is as friendly to the environment than other, less effective methods of cleaning is there are no chemicals needed, in most cases. This means it is the force of the water that dislodges and removes the soils that do not belong on the surface being cleaned. The pressure is generated by a unique system that these trained personnel use to great effect.

The machines that generate this pressure are available, commercially, in the pressure range of between 250 PSI to around 6500 PSI. The PSI stands for pounds per square inch at the nozzle. These units are usually gas powered, however, some of the lower pressure units can be electrically driven. The technicians will select the proper range for the work you have assigned to them, as well as the appropriate nozzle.

This selection process has many factors involved in it. Most commercial applications require between 2000 and 2500 PSI, or pounds per square inch. This is a fairly optimal decision for cement and concrete, which is the main surface for which this process is used. If the crew were using this equipment for cleaning off you roof, as another example, they would choose something closer to 250 PSI or so.

A separate yet still associated decision is about the nozzle that is used. There are quite a few of them that range from a straight flow of water to ones than fan out. The degree to which these fans will include the 0 to 180 degrees. Many of them will reduce the force of water to something that is not dangerous at all to any surfaces.

The more forceful a nozzle is, the more powerful the stream. Using one that produces a more powerful stream than is needed could damage the underlying surface. For the very delicate surfaces, such as composition roofing shingles or delicate accents on your building or home, these experts will select one that cleans but does not damage anything.

The reasons to use the professionals Dawsonville, GA has licensed for you is important. They know the area and they know your desires to clean in a professional environmentally safe way. The non chemically contaminated water runoff can be flushed into local drains with no damage to lakes, rivers and streams.

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